3D Totals Total Textures vol 1-16
Total Textures vol 1-16
Полные и очень качественные сборники текстур от 3D Total на любые потребности.
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Total Textures V1 General Textures
Total Textures V2 Aged and Stressed
Total Textures V3 Bases and Layers
Total Textures V4 Humans and Creatures
Total Textures V5 Dirt and Graffiti
Total Textures V6 Clean Textures
Total Textures V7 Sci Fi
Total Textures V8 Vehicles
Total Textures V9 Ancient Tribes and Civilisations
Total Textures V10 Trees and Plants
Total Textures V11 Alien Organic
Total Textures V12 Textures from around the World 1
Total Textures V13 Textures from around the World 2
Total Textures V14 Fantasy
Total Textures V15 Toon textures
Total Textures V16 Architectural Showroom
раздача: до 12 мая числа по с 12 до 24. после: по будням с 20 до 24, по выходным с 12 до 24.