VTC — Unix Shell Scripting Advanced [2002 ã.]

VTC — Unix Shell Scripting Advanced
Год выпуска: 2002
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Îïèñàíèå: Title: Unix Shell Scripting Advanced
Author: Mark Virtue
Release Date: 2002-02-05
Duration: 8 hrs / 76 lessons
Work Files: Yes
Captions: No
Compatibility: Vista/XP/2000, OS X, Linux
QuickTime 7
Virtual Training Company’s Unix Shell Scripting Advanced tutorial is recommended for the more advanced user who has a working knowledge of basic UNIX Shell operation. This course describes how to create programs using the syntax and features of the UNIX Shell, focusing on the most popular— the Bourne Shell. In this eight hour tutorial, author Mark Virtue will demonstrate techniques that will be compatible with all brands of UNIX, including LINUX. If you need a thorough understanding Unix Shell Scripting, start learning now by clicking on one of the movie links below.
Âèäåî êîäåê: QuickTime
Âèäåî: 640×480 MP4V
Àóäèî: Mpeg Layer 3 — 39 kb/s

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