M-Audio ProSessions — Premium Grand Piano (WAV, EXS24, HALion, Kontakt, MachFive, Reason)

M-Audio ProSessions — Premium Grand Piano (WAV, EXS24, HALion, Kontakt, MachFive, Reason)
Формат:WAV, EXS24, HALion, Kontakt, MachFive, Reason
Качество:PCM mono, stereo, 16 bits, 44100-48000 kHz
Описание: Библиотека сэмплов рояля Yamaha C7 от Sonic Reality в форматах WAV, EXS24, HALion, Kontakt, MachFive, Reason NN-XT.expert sampling focused on a single great instrument
amazingly realistic and playable
top-quality recording and editing
supports EXS24, HALion, Kontakt, MachFive and Reason’s NN-XT
produced by Sonic Reality
The legendary sound of the Yamaha C7 Grand Piano captured by Sonic Reality in EXS24, HALion, Kontakt, MachFive and Reason formats. Experience the rich deep tone of this amazing multi-sampled acoustic grand piano with dynamically sampled notes and long durations for each key. For low notes that rumble, a warm, punchy mid- section and top notes that sparkle and cut through, Premium Grand Piano is the ultimate source for a piano with a great sound that plays like the real thing—an ideal match for our Keystation Pro 88 and Keystation 88es controllers.

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