-=Íàñòðîéêà ASTERISK PBX (ip-òåëåôîíèÿ, âèäåîóðîêè)=-

Íàñòðîéêà ASTERISK PBX (ip-òåëåôîíèÿ, âèäåîóðîêè) Training: freePBX Basics To Advanced
Îðèã.íàçâàíèå: Etech Training: freePBX Basics To Advanced
Ñàéò ïðîèçâîäèòåëÿ:
Ñòîèìîñòü: 112 $
Год выпуска: 2007
ßçûê: àíãëèéñêèé

Îïèñàíèå: Simon Carr, PBX Consultant and Asterisk Expert brings you the FreePBX Beginner to Advanced Training Video. He will take you step by step and click by click through the download, install and configuration of FreePBX and Trixbox, to give you a working Call Center Class communications server.
If you can think of a feature on a high quality branded PBX, then you can probably find it in Asterisk. As with all high end PBX products, the power and performance of Asterisk make it a complex beast. The Trixbox and FreePBX graphical GUI’s bring the ease of use with the limits of most technical minded users. However if you are going to get the most out of the system you need someone to guide you thorugh the configuration of it’s key features. This video provides that training in a way that will suit most levels of ability, but will also prove interesting to more seasoned professionals. Total running time is approx 2 hours
Âèäåî êîäåê: Flash
Çâóê: ïðèñóòñòâóåò (english)

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