Squat RX, Учебная программа по приседу [2000 г., Powerlifting, SATRip]

Squat RX, Учебная программа по приседу
Год выпуска: 2000
Вид спорта: Powerlifting
Участники: Лифтеры
Продолжительность: 19 частей в среднем по 7 минут
Комментарий: Профессиональный (одноголосый)
Описание: Учебная программа по приседу.
Squat Rx #1
Tips for correcting the lower back rounding at the beginning of the squat
Squat Rx #2
Correcting squat technique. This segment focuses on correcting a common problem — doing a good morning out the bottom of the squat
Squat Rx #3 (Part I)
Some tips for engaging the glutes and hamstrings when squatting
Squat Rx #3 (Part II)
More tips to engage the glutes and hamstrings when squatting
Squat Rx #4
Bar positioning and squat depth
Squat Rx #5
Hip and hamstring mobility drills, stretches, and exercises
Squat Rx #6 (Part I)
A dozen supplemental exercises are presented for knee, hip, lower back, and shoulder stability
Squat Rx #6 (Part II)
A dozen supplemental exercises for hip, knee, lower back, and shoulder strengthening and stability
Squat Rx #7
In Squat Rx #7, how to set up bands and chains for squatting is presented
Squat Rx #8
Shoes for squatting are discussed
Squat Rx #9
JV (Askem) Squat

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