MOC 6415A Updating your Network Infrastructure Technology Skills to Windows Server 2008 [2007 ã.]
Год выпуска: 2007
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Îïèñàíèå:After completing this course, students will be able to:
• Install and configure Windows Server 2008, including using new features and Roles.
• Take advantage of new features in Windows Server 2008, including server and domain isolation, IPv6, and improved DNS functionality.
• Use key functionality and benefits of a Server Core installation, including adding and configuring Roles.
• Manage the new backup infrastructure in Windows Server 2008, including Volume Shadow Copy service, scheduled and manual backups, media, the Universal Disk Format (UDF), and restoring data.
• Describe and use Network Policies and Network Access Protection (NAP) and identify enforcement options.
• Describe and manage Windows Deployment Services, including image capture and management.
• Describe and use new Windows Server Virtualization features to consolidate servers, provide for disaster recovery, and optimize server utilization.
• Use failover clustering and load balancing to maintain a high level of network availability.
• Monitor and optimize network performance using Windows Server 2008’s included tools like Windows System Resource Manager.
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