[DTS-CD] Surround Sound For The Millennium — 2000, (Ñáîðíèê ðàçëè÷íûõ çâóêîâ)

Surround Sound For The Millennium
Жанр: Ñáîðíèê ðàçëè÷íûõ çâóêîâ
Год выпуска: 2000
Формат: DTS
1. Wedding Party
2. Tennis Match
3. Auto Stunt/Crowd
4. Canadian Pacific Railroad
5. West Mt. Ice Storm
6. Buckhorn Creek
7. Steam Locomotive No. 765
8. Expo 86 Fireworks
9. NASA Shuttle Launch
10. NASA Shuttle Launch — (Add SR-71 Flyover — Add Sonic Booms)
11. Reno Air Races Flyovers
12. Survivor, The — Joey Curtin
13. Gospel Beginnings — Percussion 90 WVU
14. African Beat — West Africans WVU
15. El Camino Real — Wind Symphony WVU
16. Kung Fu — THe Mystic Moods
17. Ride The Sky — The Mystic Moods
18. Otchestra Tune-Up
19. Sibelius: Karelia Suite Op. 11
20. F-16’s Takeoffs
Äîï. èíôîðìàöèÿ: Specifications:
If you love surround sound, and we assume you do if you’re buying DTS items. This great piece was produced just to blow you away so to speak. «WARNING: TURN YOUR VOLUME DOWN, SO YOU DON’T BLOW A SPEAKER.
This is a new DTS Surround Sound CD sealed in the original jewel case. This CD is in the DTS 5.1 format and you must have a DTS decoder or preamp to play this CD.
À åñëè ïî ðóññêè, òî ýòî ñáîðíèê ðàçëè÷íûõ çâóêîâ — íà÷èíàÿ ñ øóìà ñâàäåáíîé âå÷åðèíêè è çàêàí÷èâàÿ âçë¸òîì èñòðåáèòåëÿ F-16.
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